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And now your dream has come true and you are in Germany!

  1. It is always difficult to start! If it will be uneasy to get used to a new environment remain calm and collected. You need time to gain familys confidence, and first of all to get childrens trust.

  2. Use your free time to have a rest after work!

  3. Holidays are an ideal time for short excursions. You can buy tickets at cut rates and travel as much as you want. What is more, youve got a month of paid leave, and it can return to become an unforgettable adventure.

  4. Avoid misunderstandings in your family! Try to clarify with your parents how often and for how long you can leave home, you should also find out if you have to spend your free time with the family. It often happens that your expectations and those of the family do not agree. If you discuss these questions beforehand, numerous conflicts could be escaped.

  5. Its better not to use every thing in the house they are still not yours. Above all, discuss the following questions with your family:
    • if you can use the telephone for your personal talks. You shouldnt hold wordy conversations and, of course, you ought to refund expenses for using the telephone.
    • if you can use bath-ware and take food from the fridge
    • if you can receive acquaintances in the house or in your room.

  6. Try to comply with the principles of upbringing, established by parents. At the same time you account for children, thus you can place your own limits.

  7. You should certainly attend language courses.

  8. If a change in a lifestyle and conditions provoked some changes in your organism (e.g. undue fatigability, change in weight), if a thought, that gives you no rest, or some difficulties appear, talk over your problem with a person you can trust. This may help you to get out of a tight spot.

  9. Rights and obligations of an au-pair and also - rights and obligations of a receiving family are well-defined in the agreement. Read these documents carefully once again.

  10. Treat the family's property carefully, keep your room clean and don't forget, that you still don't own any of these things.

  11. Make your room comfortable for you (as far as it is possible)! Sometimes au-pairs dont like the room or sometimes the whole house, that a family can provide (you shouldnt hope, that youll get the best room in a house). The room for an au-pair has to meet some requirements, but you may probably not like the details.
     To cope with the problem, bring from home photos, lovely knick-knacks that are familiar to you and try to feel yourself at home.

  12. Nostalgia is a natural occurrence for the beginning. Try to get into lots of new contacts: attend sport and music communities, language courses, visit excursions. And our agency will help you with pleasure.

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